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index | 72 |
book | 3 |
page | 281 |
occurrence | 1 |
rootFileName | HartlandVT_V03P281S1 |
briefDescription | Survey of a road leading from Lyman Child's to George Denison's |
priority | |
verifyFileName | GMT |
transcribeBy | RB |
transcribeDate | 2009-11-07 |
checkBy | |
check2By | |
sentToGISBy | GMT |
plotRoadSegmentBy | AB |
plotSheetNumber | 7 |
locateRoadSegmentBy | |
recordType | establish |
surveyedBy | Moses Tewksbury |
surveyDate | 1815-06-15 |
recordedDate | |
roadBeginDescription | |
roadBeginLat | |
roadBeginLon | |
roadEndDescription | |
roadEndLat | |
roadEndLon | |
surveyDescription | Beginning at a large pine tree stump at end of road running by James Willson's through land's of Adin William's and land's now owned by Moses Webster, through land's belonging to Thomas Lawton and James Patrick's (?) and also lands of George Denison's to Hartland Meeting House |
roadWidth | |
trackingComments | record may not have been proofread |
generalComments | |
last_update | 2011-04-19 16:29:24 |