Tree-lined road and fall foliage


Welcome to the Web site of the Hartland, Vermont ancient roads working group. These pages contain information and links to information useful to the working group. Towns throughout Vermont are working to document what are termed "UNIDENTIFIED CORRIDORS" in legislation H.0701. The purpose of the act is to determine what public rights of way are still defined in town records, then to either make the clear decision to keep the right of way or to let the corridor revert to the land owner(s). The end result is to remove unused and sometimes invisible rights of way from property records, and eliminate future "surprises" for landowners.

These pages are YOURS! Please send suggestions, additions, corrections, and technical problems to

Goals of the Hartland Ancient Roads Committee

The goals of the Hartland Ancient Roads Committee, as outlined by the Town's Selectboard is as follows:
"Ancient roads program was discussed. It was concluded that our goal should be at least the identification of Class 4 Roads and Legal Trails. These to be added to existing maps."


Next Committee Meeting — There are currently no meetings scheduled.

Here's what's up... Most road surveys have been transcribed from the Town records to Excel spreadsheets and have been double-checked for accuracy. Spreadsheet data for a few road segments have been transferred into GIS software. We are now starting the (often difficult) task of pinpointing exactly where on the map each road segment belongs. Some of these road segments were plotted to scale on clear plastic, so they can be overlayed onto a town map, and moved around to find a good fit. Properly locating each road segment will be very difficult, as most landmarks referenced in the original surveys have long-since disappeared. Stay tuned and keep in touch.

New - A list server has been created for the Hartland Ancient Roads Committee. This will make it easier for committee members to send messages to the entire group, without having to maintain a list of all members on your own computer. The first step is to register your e-mail address by visiting this page. In the section Subscribing to HartlandAncientRoads, enter your e-mail address, name, and a password of your choice. In the section Using HartlandAncientRoads, you can find the address to use for sending messages to the entire group. Each request for inclusion on the list will be reviewed by the list administrator.

Recent changes to this Web site

You can find more news items here... Have fun, and keep in touch.

Some documents available on this Web site require Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is a free down-load from Adobe's Web site here... .


  • Ancient Road Practicum
  • How to Find Ancient Roads
  • The Public Right of Way and You
  • Ancient roads humor - a little humor, courtesy of the Vermont Bar Association